Tarheel Antennas, Inc.


Very little maintenance is required for your Tarheel Antenna. You should have years of trouble free service from this antenna. You've made a large investment for a mobile antenna. Here is a tip to help take care of your investment.

We use an automotive finish on this antenna so whenever you wash and wax your vehicle raise your antenna and wash and wax the shaft and the bug shield (Lexan tube), with wax on your antenna the bugs will have a harder time sticking to it.

About once per year or so, depending on how much driving you do and where the antenna is mounted you will need to wash the coil to remove any road grime, no parts to replace. Also a dirty coil will show vertical black streaks.

Here's how to clean the coil:

1.    Run the antenna up till all the coil is exposed.

2.    Remove the are 3 screws in the top Delrin Cap.

3.    Then slide the Lexan bug shield down to expose the coil, next feel the coil, is it sticky?

4.    If so it's dirty, now wipe the coil with alcohol.

5.    Then lightly scrub the coil with a Scotch-Brite pad (available at any hardware store).

6.    Then one more wipe with alcohol and that's it.

7.    Reassemble the Antenna.

After you have the antenna reassembled, now is the time for a good cleaning on the outside. Use the alcohol to remove the grime off the tube and Lexan, next get a good coat or two of wax on it.

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